To meet market demands, many health plans are driven to managing multiple supplemental benefits and vendors. This requires an unexpected amount of work to operationalize and support.
By consolidating all of your supplemental benefits into a flex wallet program with Convey, your health plan can streamline the disparate solutions and vendors, and bring management and oversight under one umbrella. For your members, one point of contact can integrate and support benefits, eliminating administrative burdens around supplemental benefits and reducing operational costs.
A configurable flex wallet program may strengthen your health plan’s supplemental benefits portfolio and support growth. With more benefit options, you're more competitive without compromising your members’ overall experience.
When choosing a solution to support a Medicare Advantage flex card program, it's important to consider experience and support capabilities. As the market leader in supplemental benefit administration, Convey supports multiple channels and purchase options, and provides purpose-built technology resulting in a seamless benefits management experience.
Equally important is the ability to provide comprehensive member support, coordination with care teams, and a keen focus on compliance, utilization, and member engagement and experience.
The member experience is vital for continued success. Marrying both the technology to support the flex card with the services to support your members will ensure you have what is needed to be successful. Many plans have struggled with flex card programs that provide limited support capabilities, which can affect their Medicare Advantage plan performance.
Among the most essential flex wallet features is variable benefit design. As the market-leading provider of supplemental OTC benefit administration services, Convey has designed a configurable, multi-purse flex wallet solution. Backed by its Miramar:Benefits purpose-built technology, Convey’s flex wallet program accommodates up to 50 individual, distinct purses to configure the unique benefits of individual health plans.
The Convey flex wallet also offers these key features: